References and Useful Links

The United Kingdom and Ireland Notarial Forum (UK&IF). Mutual organization representing and promoting the Notaries of the British Isles – U.K & I.F.

The standard work is

The Notary of Ireland; Law and Practice by Dr. Eamonn G. Hall and E. Rory O’Connor (2019)

The Common Law Association of Notaries (CLAN). International Organization representing and promoting the Notaries of the Common-law-type notarial system – C.L.A.N.

The International Union of Notaries (UINL). International Organization representing and promoting the Notaries of the Latin-type notarial system – U. I. N. L.

Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) Countries in which the Apostille procedure applies may be checked on the the Hague Convention website

Apostille Convention Countries This contains a list of countries adhering to the Apostille system  which abolishes the need for legalisation.

 The Department of Foreign Affairs  have an excellent webpage which contains very useful details in relation to their requirements concerning legalisation and the Apostille. Website Link
